viernes, 28 de mayo de 2010


Jorge: survey
Cecile: experiment, information, blog
Daniel: other blog, essay
Judith: powerpoint
Valeria: model, info
Andres: essay, other blog, revisions

viernes, 21 de mayo de 2010


-What are the components of DNA that influence to differentiate?

-To what degree the chromosomes determine a change in our body?

-How are genes associated with chromosomes?

-How do mutations arise?

-What is needed to make a clone?


In This project we will investigate as the structure of DNA, made up of carbon (C), hydrogen (h), oxygen (O), nitrogen (N) and phosphorus (P).How these elements are organized and their effect on our organism. Also we will analyze as is the mechanism by which genes pass from one cell to its descendants during playback. Also we’ll inquire about the important aspects of living things that have to do with genetics.
-Analyze the physical and chemical structure of DNA and its importance in human behavior.