jueves, 3 de junio de 2010

DNA Extraction Home Experiment

In this experiment, our main interest is to demonstrate the presence of DNA in the bodies. In this opportunity we will be using strawberries as evidence.

OBJECTIVE: The main objective of this experiment is to observe DNA, using only household materials.

- Do fruits have DNA?
- Can we observe it?

- Water
- Glass vase
- Spoon
- Soap
- Cold alcohol

Introduction: The deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) is the molecule carrying the genetic information. It has encoded information about our physical features, capabilities to digest or not a food, as well as some features to have or not certain diseases.
In the experiment we will present, the DNA extraction will be from the strawberries. For this experiment it is necessary to grind the fruit by a mechanical process to first disaggregate the tissue cells and then break some of them, which we will be releasing the DNA.
2. - This will need to purchase some materials and substances and prepare the following solution

Development/ procedure: First we smash the strawberries and we add a little water. When viewed as a substance, we add a little soap, the beats do not see anything, and everything remains the same.
After we let it stand for a moment (without stirring) we add some alcohol. Why alcohol? Because alcohol dehydrates the DNA.
Minutes later we see as white bubbles begin to form. This is because DNA is soluble in water (and therefore invisible to our eyes, as each molecule is surrounded by water and our eyes do not perceive individual molecules of DNA) but insoluble in alcohol, which originates in the presence of this engages.
After this experience, it is worth noting what happens. And we can see how the DNA was separated into small white ball floating.

Results: In the end, after standing for a moment, we can admire how a species of white bubbles that float through the alcohol are formed, that is the DNA.

Conclusion: After our investigation and experimentation, we can affirm that DNA is present in every DNA extraction body .The experiment requires a series of basic steps that are not very simple or straightforward, but in the end we can clearly observe DNA