jueves, 3 de junio de 2010


One of the questions that mankind has been raised since it began to analyze the world, living things and their characteristics is that of why the children resemble their parents?
It all started at around Gregoriom Mendel (1882-1884), founder of genetics, who was an Austrian monk who worked with peas, among others. Playing a controlled several generations of these plants and analyzing some of their characteristics, could deduce the first laws governing biological inheritance with which determined that there are certain ‘factors' responsible for transmitting characters from parent to offspring. Searching of these factors gradually rose, reaching the cell nucleus, in the chromosomes. But the big jump in this knowledge is only slightly more than half a century: in 1953, the American James Watson (19 289 young zoologist, and Francis Crick (1916-2004), physicist, with the help of various specialists in chemical analysis, able to develop a model of the structure of the main molecule that forms the chromosomes: deoxyribonucleic acid or DNA.
This molecule, together with another similar, ribonucleic acid or RNA, are responsible for heredity, the DNA is passed from parents to offspring carrying the information for cells to manufacture its protein, both which are enzymes such as forming part of the structure of cells and tissues.
This discovery is considered the most important, because from that moment began to develop many processes that can modify the structure of living things and characteristics that show.